Follow these steps to set a TP or SL order on Flipster:
- Navigate to the [Trade] tab:
- Tap on the symbol under [Open positions].
- Under the [Positions] tab:
- Click on [Set Take Profit] or [Set Stop Loss].
- Input the value:
- Enter the value under [Trigger price] and tap [Confirm].
- Liquidation Notice:
- If the SL is set too close to the liquidation price, a [Liquidation notice] may appear. This serves as a warning that liquidation may occur first before the triggering of the SL.
- Tap [Close] to adjust the SL trigger price.
- Tap [Proceed] to ignore the warning and proceed with the placement of the SL order.
- If the SL is set too close to the liquidation price, a [Liquidation notice] may appear. This serves as a warning that liquidation may occur first before the triggering of the SL.
- Confirm TP/SL orders:
- Refer to the [Open] section to confirm the TP/SL orders.