Episode One involved GMEE Soft Staking, where participants could earn WatPoints by staking their GMEE tokens in a less restrictive manner compared to hard staking. This episode has concluded.
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No, the Wat Protocol is exclusive to GMEE holders on Ethereum. Although there was a bonus WatPoint reward for previous GMEE holders on Polygon, the main activities and rewards within the Wat Protocol are designed for the Ethereum network. The ...Read more
No, you cannot currently connect or merge WatPoint balances from different platforms. WatPoints collected by staking GMEE are stored in your account on the Wat Protocol website. WatPoints earned through other means, such as Telegram mining or Arc8 competitions, are ...Read more
Episode Three focuses on hard-staking GMEE tokens on Ethereum. Participants can choose to stake their GMEE for either 30 days or 60 days, with the longer staking period yielding more WatPoints. The minimum staking amount is 1000 GMEE, and there ...Read more
Episode Two involves mining WatPoints via a mining activity on Telegram. Participants only need a Telegram account to join this activity. By engaging in the mining process on Telegram, participants can earn WatPoints which contribute to ...Read more
WatPoints are the rewards collected within the Wat Protocol. Participants can earn WatPoints through various episodes and events, such as staking GMEE tokens or engaging in mining activities on Telegram. Although the exact purpose of WatPoints will be revealed in ...Read more