Your trading volume is calculated based on the preceding 15 days total trade volume. The first calculation will start on 18 June 2024 at 00:05 UTC, with subsequent calculations performed daily at 00:05 UTC.
Example Calculation:
Assuming Trader A has an existing Flipster Bonus amount of 500 USDT, the preceding 15 days total trade volume needs to be at least 5000 USDT (500 USDT * 10) to retain the Flipster Bonus.
Daily Trading Volume Calculation: Assuming Trader A has a daily trading volume for the past 15 days as follows:
Day 1: Y1 USDT
Day 2: Y2 USDT
Day 15: Y15 USDT
Total 15-Day Trading Volume = Y1 + Y2 + … + Y15 USDT
If today is Day 16, the calculation of the preceding 15 days total trade volume will be from Day 2 to Day 16.
If today is Day 17, the calculation of the preceding 15 days total trade volume will be from Day 3 to Day 17.
If the preceding 15 days total trade volume ≥ 5000 USDT, the Flipster Bonus will be retained.
If the preceding 15 days total trade volume < 5000 USDT, the Flipster Bonus will be removed from the account.
Additional Flipster Bonus:
If additional 100 Flipster bonus is credited on Day 2, the preceding 15 days total trade volume ≥ 6000 USDT, the Flipster Bonus will be retained.
If additional 100 Flipster bonus is credited on Day 2, the preceding 15 days total trade volume < 6000 USDT, the Flipster Bonus will be removed from the account.
Note: If additional Flipster Bonus is credited, the minimum total trade volume required will also be increased depending on the day the additional Flipster Bonus is credited. Calculation of the preceding 15 days total trade volume will start on the credit day of the additional Flipster Bonus.