If it was possible to copy and upload your mind into a computer, hard drive, or any sort of digital storage device, would the mind retain memories of the brain, or be completely devoid of any memories since it can't access the brain anymore?
If it was possible to copy and upload your mind into a computer, hard drive, or any sort of digital storage device, would the mind retain memories of the brain, or be completely devoid of any memories since it can't access the brain anymore?
That’s a mix of perspectives, and they all touch on deep philosophical and ethical questions. Some view mind uploading as a form of self-preservation, while others see it as a spiritual or existential trap—like being stuck in a fake reality with no escape.
The scientific take is that memories and consciousness are deeply tied to the physical brain. If you could replicate the entire structure and function of the brain in a digital format, the uploaded version might retain memories. But whether it would be you or just a copy that thinks it’s you? That’s the real debate.
On a more philosophical level, some believe our essence is more than just neural activity—that there’s a soul involved. If that’s true, then an uploaded version wouldn’t really be you, just a simulation.
And yeah, AI-controlled realities sound like the perfect setup for memory manipulation or even complete loss of self. Maybe it’s best to appreciate the real world while we still have it. Touch grass, indeed. 🌿